New Employee Orientation home
ALL employees are required to complete the following and return the documents to the Human Resources Department:
Teachers must also submit the following additional documents:
6-digit professional number issued by NS Teacher Certification or copy of NS Teacher's Certificate.
An original or copy of original course transcripts in support of teaching license and B.Ed.
Substitute Teacher Subject Qualification Profile Form - for Substitute Teachers
Two written references from individuals who have observed the quality of your
teaching (i.e. cooperation teacher, principal or university supervisor/advisor)
- for Substitute Teachers
Educational Program Assistants must also provide:
- A Copy of your Emergency First Aid Certificate
Early Childhood Educators must also provide:
- A Copy of your certificate/diploma/degree in Early Childhood Elementary
- A Copy of your current ECE Classification Certificate, showing your Level of ECE. If you have been reclassified please provide a copy of your current Re-Classification ECE letter.
- A Copy of your Emergency First Aid Certificate
HRCE Photo ID Badge:
HRCE Photo ID Badges are mandatory for all term and permanent employees.
If you are a new employee and have not had an HRCE Photo ID in the past, please email an electronic copy
of a recent photo which meets the specifications below to
Email must include Full Name, Employee ID (400# - if available), Position and School/work location in the subject line:
Photo must provide a full frontal view of the head and upper shoulders squared to the camera (Passport style photo);
Photo must be taken against a plain white or light-coloured background void of any objects;
Photo must be JPG format and in colour. Photo must be clear, sharp and in focus;
Head coverings (i.e., ball caps, bandanas or headscarves) should not be worn, unless it is worn for religious beliefs or medical reasons;
Eyewear, if normally worn, is to be maintained for the photograph.
Questions should be forwarded to
Online WHMIS Training Registration
All staff, including substitutes, have a shared responsibility to support the health and safety of students and staff, by following all COVID-19 protocols, including regularly disinfecting surfaces such as student materials.
The HRCE provides authorized products for all staff, including substitutes, to use for disinfecting.
In order to use the products authorized for use in the HRCE workplaces, HRCE expects staff to complete WHMIS2015 training to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of labeling, handling, and product Safety Data Sheets.
While you are encouraged to complete the training, it is not required if you will not be using these products.
Please click here to register for this voluntary online 30 minute session.
Important information for Substitute/Casual employees:
Family of Schools listing
AESOP (Substitute Placement System)
French Screening Rubrics outlining criteria to teach Core French and Immersion with the HRCE/Critères linguistiques
requis pour enseigner le français de base et l'immersion (précoce et tardive), Commission scolaire HRCE